Worldwide Campaigns To Spread A Culture Of Peace And Enact An International Law
In South Korea that had the recent inter-Korean summit breaking a decade of the turbulent period of tension, the event with the theme of 'Realizing Peace on the Korean Peninsula' was held simultaneously in 12 cities on May 25, when the declaration was announced. It aimed to seek ways to interact freely with North and South, based on the citizen-centered peace activities, and to encourage citizens to take an active role in the progress in peace-building on the Korean peninsula.
"Many leaders in many parts of the world showed their support for peaceful unification of Korea. We received 'peace letters' that support the idea from students and youth in the countries we visited. By liquidating the past of pointing guns to kill each other, Korea should stand as a country of peace. I am certain that, as all humanity desires peace, the Korean Peninsula and globe will indeed see peace," said Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL.
Volunteers and citizens from various countries including the U.S, China, France, India as well as Afghanistan and Palestine, the disputed areas, gathered for activities such as peace walk, peace letter writing, and signing campaign for international law for peace in order to enact an international peace law and spread a culture of peace.
The DPCW consisting of 10 articles and 38 clauses addresses principles of conflict resolution and international cooperation for peacebuilding such as respect on the international law, peaceful dispute settlement, and spreading a culture of peace. Civil society throughout the world is carrying out peace education, peace culture projects, and ‘Legislate Peace Campaign’ to establish a legally binding international law for peace and to create a peaceful environment in the society in cooperation with HWPL.
"Citizens have the power to urge political leaders to establish peace in our times. If leaders have love for the world, nations, and people, they must come together to work for the establishment of international law for peace." added Chairman Lee, while mentioning his recent visit to European countries to advocate international cooperation for peace-building. Campaigns By Global Citizens To Spread A Culture Of Peace And Enact An International Law For Peace Campaigns By Global Citizens To Spread A Culture Of Peace And Enact An International Law For Peace
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